Wands tarotcards

  • Gilded Tarot - Ace of Wands Secret Tarot - Ace of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Ace of Wands Witches Tarot - Ace of Wands

    Ace of Wands

    Strength, Courage, New Impulse, Energy, Power, Luck, Opportunity

    A new beginning, regaining energy or a new venture that brings success.

  • Gilded Tarot - Two of Wands Secret Tarot - Two of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Two of Wands Witches Tarot - Two of Wands

    Two of Wands

    Commitment, Illness, Sadness, Contention, Difference of opinion, Debate

    The inquirer achieves maturity and lasting happiness through his or her own courage and initiative.

  • Gilded Tarot - Three of Wands Secret Tarot - Three of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Three of Wands Witches Tarot - Three of Wands

    Three of Wands

    Entrepreneurial spirit, Idea, Success, Stimulation, Strength, Creativity

    This card signifies realization of a creative plan, a business relationship that brings fame.

  • Gilded Tarot - Four of Wands Secret Tarot - Four of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Four of Wands Witches Tarot - Four of Wands

    Four of Wands

    New Relationship, Joy, Harmony, Growth, Success, Optimism, Help

    A period of rest. Further romance, harmony, close family ties and your efforts are paying off.

  • Gilded Tarot - Five of Wands Secret Tarot - Five of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Five of Wands Witches Tarot - Five of Wands

    Five of Wands

    Mock fight, Struggle, Contest, Force measurement, Haggling

    Struggle against material adversity.

  • Gilded Tarot - Six of Wands Secret Tarot - Six of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Six of Wands Witches Tarot - Six of Wands

    Six of Wands

    New Business, Victory, Success, Fame, Optimism

    The bars six indicates great success in your career. Fantastic news or a promotion.

  • Gilded Tarot - Seven of Wands Secret Tarot - Seven of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Seven of Wands Witches Tarot - Seven of Wands

    Seven of Wands

    Surprising Initiative, Revelation, Challenge, Courage

    Spreading knowledge. Further, success, acquired through inner strength.

  • Gilded Tarot - Eight of Wands Secret Tarot - Eight of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Eight of Wands Witches Tarot - Eight of Wands

    Eight of Wands

    Urgent Event, Eventful Times, Doubt, Uncertainty

    Time for renewal! The end of a calm period.

  • Gilded Tarot - Nine of Wands Secret Tarot - Nine of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Nine of Wands Witches Tarot - Nine of Wands

    Nine of Wands

    Obstacles, Defense, Uncertainty, Fear, Delay, Resistance

    Increasing success in artistic or professional fields, expert advice and confidence in others.

  • Gilded Tarot - Page of Wands Secret Tarot - Page of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Page of Wands Witches Tarot - Page of Wands

    Page of Wands

    Constriction, Exhaustion, Perspective, Pressure, Stress

    The herald of financial gain. But also the fear of domination.

  • Gilded Tarot - Ten of Wands Secret Tarot - Ten of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Ten of Wands Witches Tarot - Ten of Wands

    Ten of Wands

    Unusual News, Views, New Business

    A burden falls from your shoulders. You need to let go of narrow-minded ideas for a new life.

  • Gilded Tarot - Knight of Wands Secret Tarot - Knight of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Knight of Wands Witches Tarot - Knight of Wands

    Knight of Wands

    Departure, Pleasant Event, Farewell, Hurried, Secretive

    This card indicates relocation, departure,distant travel and a good sense of business.

  • Gilded Tarot - Queen of Wands Secret Tarot - Queen of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Queen of Wands Witches Tarot - Queen of Wands

    Queen of Wands

    Good Harvest, Success, Independence, Vitality, Opportunities

    Success in creative or business fields.

  • Gilded Tarot - King of Wands Secret Tarot - King of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - King of Wands Witches Tarot - King of Wands

    King of Wands

    Righteousness, Unexpected Opportunity, Good News, Good Advice

    An unexpected inheritance or business success. But also the hunger for power.