Tarotcard Five of Wands
Five of Wands
Struggle against material adversity.
You are on the right track. Keep up the good work.
The tarot card "Rod Five" represents conflict, struggle and challenges. The image on the card shows five rods colliding in a chaotic manner, representing the tension and turmoil that arises from conflict.
This card suggests that there may be power struggles, disagreements or tension in your life. You may be involved in a conflict or witnessing a confrontation between others. This can cause stress and turmoil.
Although this is a challenging card, "Rod Five" also offers the opportunity for learning and growth. It is important to realize that conflicts are an inevitable part of life and that you can use them as opportunities for personal development. You may need to be assertive, set boundaries and defend positions.
This card reminds you not to let the negative energy of conflict overwhelm you. Focus on finding solutions, maintaining inner balance and keeping a positive attitude. By remaining courageous and determined, you can overcome these challenges and emerge stronger from the struggle.
Tarotcard Five of Wands in in other tarotdecks
Below you can see how 'Five of Wands' looks in other tarotdecks Alchemical Tarot, Secret Tarot, New Vision Tarot, Winged Spirit Tarot which you can use to do a tarotspread here.
Alchemical Tarot
Tarotcard 'Five of Wands' from tarotdeck 'Alchemical Tarot'.
Secret Tarot
Tarotcard 'Five of Wands' from tarotdeck 'Secret Tarot'.
New Vision Tarot
Tarotcard 'Five of Wands' from tarotdeck 'New Vision Tarot'.
Winged Spirit Tarot
Tarotcard 'Five of Wands' from tarotdeck 'Winged Spirit Tarot'.