Tarotcard The World

Flowering, Victory, Completion, Perfection, Honor
The World

The World

Spiritual and material success. He represents joy, happiness and sometimes a distant journey or a dream come true.

You will surely find your prince(s) on the white horse.

The tarot card "The World" is considered one of the most positive and powerful cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes completion, success, fulfillment and harmony. Here are some important aspects of the meaning of the 'The World' card:

1. Completion and success: The World card represents achieving your goals and completing an important phase of your life. This can be personal, professional or emotional. It shows that you have reached a successful conclusion after hard work and dedication.

2. Satisfaction and fulfillment: This card indicates a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in your life. You have a sense of happiness, inner peace and satisfaction with where you are and what you have accomplished. It suggests that you have found yourself and have been able to develop yourself in a way that brings joy and harmony.

3. Harmony and Balance: The World Chart represents harmony and balance in all aspects of your life. It suggests that you have been able to balance different parts of yourself and your life experiences. This can refer to integrating opposites, finding stability between work and home, or balancing your physical, mental and spiritual health.

4. Worldly Connections: This card also symbolizes creating worldly connections and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. It reminds you that you are part of a greater whole and that your actions affect others and the world around you. It suggests compassion, understanding and striving to have a positive impact on others.

In general, the message of the tarot card "The World" is that you have reached a stage of growth, completion and harmony. It is a sign that you are on the right path and are able to find joy and fulfillment in your life. It can also indicate that it is time to embark on new adventures and expand your horizons.

Tarotcard The World in in other tarotdecks

Below you can see how 'The World' looks in other tarotdecks Radiant Rider Waite Tarot, Secret Tarot, Winged Spirit Tarot, Witches Tarot which you can use to do a tarotspread here.

The World

Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Tarotcard 'The World' from tarotdeck 'Radiant Rider Waite Tarot'.

The World

Secret Tarot

Tarotcard 'The World' from tarotdeck 'Secret Tarot'.

The World

Winged Spirit Tarot

Tarotcard 'The World' from tarotdeck 'Winged Spirit Tarot'.

The World

Witches Tarot

Tarotcard 'The World' from tarotdeck 'Witches Tarot'.