Tarotcard Six of Cups

Caution, Reward, Helpfulness, Tolerance
Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Get with the times.

You are looking back too much to the past.

Tarot card "Cups Six" symbolizes harmony, affection and joy in relationships. It shows a moment of peace and stability, where you can enjoy the emotional connection with others. It suggests a sense of deep fulfillment and joy in your personal life, whether in romantic relationships, friendships or family relationships.

The "Cups Six" can also indicate recovery from a troubled relationship or finding forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a card that indicates your ability to overcome difficulties and achieve a state of inner peace and contentment.

In addition, the "Cups Six" can indicate that you are finding emotional support in those around you. It can mean that people in your life are ready to help and support you, and that you can count on loving and caring relationships.

In general, the "Cups Six" indicates positive emotions, harmony and happiness in your relationships, making you feel loved and fulfilled. It reminds you to appreciate what you have and to invest in maintaining harmony in your emotional connections.

Tarotcard Six of Cups in in other tarotdecks

Below you can see how 'Six of Cups' looks in other tarotdecks Legacy Divine Tarot, Radiant Rider Waite Tarot, Secret Tarot, Witches Tarot which you can use to do a tarotspread here.

Six of Cups

Legacy Divine Tarot

Tarotcard 'Six of Cups' from tarotdeck 'Legacy Divine Tarot'.

Six of Cups

Radiant Rider Waite Tarot

Tarotcard 'Six of Cups' from tarotdeck 'Radiant Rider Waite Tarot'.

Six of Cups

Secret Tarot

Tarotcard 'Six of Cups' from tarotdeck 'Secret Tarot'.

Six of Cups

Witches Tarot

Tarotcard 'Six of Cups' from tarotdeck 'Witches Tarot'.