Queen tarotcards

  • Gilded Tarot - Queen of Wands New Vision Tarot - Queen of Wands Winged Spirit Tarot - Queen of Wands Witches Tarot - Queen of Wands

    Queen of Wands

    Good Harvest, Success, Independence, Vitality, Opportunities

    Success in creative or business fields.

  • Gilded Tarot - Queen of Cups New Vision Tarot - Queen of Cups Winged Spirit Tarot - Queen of Cups Witches Tarot - Queen of Cups

    Queen of Cups

    Abundance, Certainty, Gift, Experience, Sensible, Serious

    This card indicates a new romance but can also indicate bossiness, self-deception or romance, especially if there are negative cards around.

  • Gilded Tarot - Queen of Swords New Vision Tarot - Queen of Swords Winged Spirit Tarot - Queen of Swords Witches Tarot - Queen of Swords

    Queen of Swords

    Joy, Wisdom, Mistress, Loving, Success, Happiness

    It is better to abandon certain opinions and allow other people to help you.

  • Gilded Tarot - Queen of Pentacles New Vision Tarot - Queen of Pentacles Winged Spirit Tarot - Queen of Pentacles Witches Tarot - Queen of Pentacles

    Queen of Pentacles

    Prudence, Hardship, Separation, Infertility

    You may get a chance at something of real value.